Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This blog has been neglected too long.  I've been crafting a few different projects, but they're all unphotographable works-in-progress (WIP) at the moment. 

So all I can share for now are these pumpkins my mother and I carved last night.  Picture is not great, as I am inexperienced at pumpkin photography.

My mother loves carving pumpkins!  I used to love it too, but then I got bored with the routine, and gave up for many years.  I carved a pumpkin at the office this past week, though, and it reminded me of the fun of it. 

My mother made her usual pinocchio face (with carrot nose), and I think he is quite charming.  I made my usual lantern-type pumpkin with cut-out stars and little scraped-out dots.  I used to spray-paint my pumpkin black before making this kind of lantern pumpkin, but since we only starting working on them at 8pm last night, there was no time (or paint!) available for that task.

Some of my favourite spooky links for Halloween:

Googly-eyed gourds from Martha Stewart's Crafts Department (link)

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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