Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Christmas Hat!

Finally, I have some updates for this blog!  This project is one that I completed in January, but since it was a Christmas gift, I couldn't spoil the surprise.  


 The Facts:

Pattern:   Lorne's Hat by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Yarn:       St-Denis Nordique (1.75 skeins in Colour #5836 - Oatmeal)
Mods:     Knit 34cm instead of 30cm before decreasing - more ear protection that way!

The Story:

This project was a special request from my Dad last Christmas, after he realized that my knitting had advanced far enough to take special orders.

Basically, he wanted a hat to replace his very old hat. His old hat was oatmeal-coloured and ribbed, and long enough to fold over for extra ear protection. The colour was not my favourite, and ribbing is not too fun to knit, but since the customer is always right, I made it to his demands. Very conveniently, last January, the Yarn Harlot posted exactly what I needed in terms of a pattern.

I used the recommended yarn - St. Denis Nordique. Interestingly, this yarn was pretty difficult to find in Toronto. I had no luck at either Romni or the Knit Cafe, so I had to make the trek to Lettuce Knits in Kensington Market. I was pleased with this yarn when I was knitting with it, and even more pleased once it had been washed up. I'd use it again, though I wouldn't be thrilled about having to scout it out at that one location. Though, it was a year ago that I made my purchase, so maybe the distribution has improved since then.

I'm happy to finally have a finished object to post - and there should be more on the way... I'm trying to get all my 2010 knitting projects done before the New Year!

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